Aloe Vera Juice: 5 Reasons to Incorporate Nature’s Elixir into Your Wellness Routine

Months after my family moved from Florida to North Carolina, my body was still feeling the stress. Specifically, my digestive system; I was having a lot of trouble going to the bathroom and my stomach was often upset.  

I mentioned the dilemma to my chiropractor – and how I had tried everything I knew to do. After all, THIS is what I do as a Health Coach! So what was I missing? That’s when he suggested something I had not heard of before: drinking Aloe Vera juice!

And. It. Worked….. I’ve been a fan ever since! 

Today, I’d like to share 5 reasons to incorporate aloe vera juice (aka: nature’s elixir) into your wellness routine!

#1 Aloe vera juice helps relieve constipation
In traditional Indian medicine, aloe vera is used to treat constipation and other gastrointestinal ….er….discomforts such as constipation.

CLICK HERE to check out a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial of 28 healthy adults who were given aloe vera “latex.” It was shown to have a laxative effect compared to a placebo that was stronger than a stimulant laxative.

Don’t worry, the use of aloe latex as a laxative is very well-researched. The anthraquinones present in the “latex” create a potent laxative that helps to increase the intestinal water content. It also helps to stimulate mucus secretion and also increases those intestinal contractions that will get the poopy goods moving! If you are going to use the juice to help relieve constipation, it is recommended to drink no more than 8 oz — any more can cause cramping and the runs. I say – start small and work your way up as every person’s body is different 

Now, if you suffer from IBS symptoms, you’ll especially appreciate aloe vera juice! Research shows that consuming this juice reduces abdominal pain and discomfort, as well as gas, in patients suffering from IBS symptoms. There was a study reported in the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences that found that 30 milliliters of aloe vera juice twice a day decreased the level of discomfort in 33 patients with IBS!   CLICK HERE and HERE to see the research for yourself

#2 Aloe vera helps to heal and promote healthy skin
I grew up in Miami, FL — The city of Cuban food, eternal heat and endless sunshine. With that sunshine came a LOT of sunburns – no matter how much sunscreen my Mom slathered on us kids. And yes, THE staple plant on our patio was – you guessed it — the aloe vera plant. 

After showering off the sun and sand from a day on the beach, Mom would slice open a piece of this medicinal succulent, then placing the cold, gooey flesh on our red hot skin. Aaaaahhhh….. So much better. 

We know that the topical application not only helps heal sunburned (or burned / wounded) skin, it’s also been shown to help treat, heal and manage skin conditions such as acne, herpes, psoriasis, frostbite, lichen planus and skin inflammation. Aloe vera is loaded with antioxidants, is anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, antiseptic, and has incredible wound healing properties.

Now, just imagine what it can do internally for the skin!!!  Studies have shown that drinking the juice can also help promote healing from the inside out as well!

CLICK HERE , HERE and HERE to see the research on aloe vera and the skin.

#3 Aloe vera juice helps to reduce heartburn

Great news for my foodie friends who may know just what that burning sensation feels like! 

What’s actually happening is the acid in your stomach is angrily making its way up into your esophagus. But good news! Aloe vera juice can offer relief! The results of a 2015 study showed that aloe vera juice can alleviate some of the acid in your stomach that brings on heartburn. CLICK HERE to see the study results.

#4 Aloe vera juice can help boost your immune system

If you find yourself getting sick often, then your immune system is in need of extra support. Drinking aloe juice is one way you can do that. The bradykinase in aloe vera stimulates the immune system and kills infections. (BTW, zinc is also a component in aloe which makes it another tool you can use to fight any kind of zinc deficiency — which leads to low immunity).

And remember, aloe has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties — isn’t it amazing how much goodness God put into this plant?!  

#5 Aloe Vera juice may help control blood sugar levels
Studies have shown that aloe vera has potential for controlling blood sugar levels for people with pre-diabetes as well as Type 2 diabetes. Study participants who drank aloe vera juice experienced improved fasting blood sugar levels. CLICK HERE to see one study.

**Because aloe can help control blood sugar levels, it may interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Please consult your doctor about when to stop taking it before any scheduled surgery.**

“Ok, Caro…I’m sold! Where can I buy some? “

Now that you know how awesome this plant is, you may want to know where you can find some for yourself! Thankfully, it’s easy to find aloe vera products — including juice, gel, extracts and latex. aloe gel, latex — in most health food stores. You can find aloe “juice” in liquid, gel, powder and capsule form too. 

Just be sure to purchase a product that’s made by a reputable company. Some brand’s extraction and processing can reduce the plant’s therapeutic properties. And those properties are vital if you want to reap the full benefits!

And for those of you reading this who want me to recommend something to you, here are 3 brands that I know of to be reputable and provide a quality product. 

#1 Lily of the Desert’s Inner Fillet Aloe Vera Juice

#2 Miracle Of Aloe Whole-Leaf Aloe Vera Juice

#3 George’s Aloe Vera Juice (this is what we use at our house)

Have you been drinking Aloe Vera for awhile already? If so, I’d love to hear what differences you have noticed in your health! 


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