5 Things That May Be Wrecking Your Digestion

I’m no stranger to digestion issues. Growing up, my tummy was always very sensitive. But when I got hit with a C.Difficle infection 7 years ago, that just made things 100x worse. I have been on a mission ever since to heal my GI – which was W-R-E-C-K-E-D by that deadly C.Diff bacteria!

 Sadly, 70% of American adults suffer from digestive symptoms and disease.

 If you are in that crowd — just like I was — know that your digestive symptoms are tied to an underlying digestive dysfunction. Therefore, one thing you will need to do is heal your GI!

Now, it can be hard to know where the breakdown in your GI is actually starting. Each meal you eat can either improve your well-being or it may trigger an inflammatory response – and cue up an unwanted chain of events like gas, bloating, upset stomach, intestinal cramping and then having the runs…. You just never know.

 If this sounds like you, then keep reading. I’m going to teach you 5 things that may be causing these less-than- pleasant symptoms.


#1 You’re Eating Too Often

For all my snackers out there – I’m so sorry! Here’s the deal: If you are constantly throwing food down the pit (aka your mouth), your body will always be working. This means it is unable to focus on other areas like repairing cells or detoxing all the crap you ate the night before.


Grazing can also dysregulate your blood sugar levels, your stomach acid and it depletes your enzymes – which as you age, are produced in much less quantities. A snack here and there is fine, but do your best to resist the temptation to graze all day, every day.


#2 You Have Low Stomach Acid

Some of the root causes to consider are a bacterial infection called HPylori, being low in copper, taking antibiotics, drinking a lot of water before a meal, or having nutrition deficiencies.


#3 You Are Overstressed

For the majority of people I work with (or know), stress completely jacks up their tummy. Your gut is called the “second brain” for a reason – it has more neurotransmitters in it than the brain does. So it’s no wonder that when you have a lot on your mind, your GI is going to react.


#4 You Are Consuming Refined Oils

For the love of all that is good …..just don’t eat these….Like, EVER:

- Canola oil

- Vegetable oil

- Soybean oil

- Safflower oil

- Corn oils

- Margarine (or any fake, “buttery” spread)


Unfortunately, they are in everything – from restaurants to processed foods. These oils are very inflammatory to the body – and inflammation is what causes both dis-ease AND disease in the body. When you are consuming these on a regular basis, they drive something called Leaky Gut. Next time you go out to eat, ask for your food to be cooked in EVOO -- or real butter.


Do you have a pre or post-meal ritual that helps you digest your food better? I’d love to know!


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