5 Easy Ways To Eat More Veggies!

If you are anything like me, then your parents were probably telling you to “eat your veggies!”

And maybe you even got the famous, “there are starving children in (___insert country of choice here____)!” line too.

Most people know veggies are good for them…. And that they need to be eating more. But a lot of folks have a hard time doing so. I don’t know when the last time was that I was tempted to eat a plate of steamed veggies…. It’s so much easier to grab some processed snacks, right?

I’m going to help you with this in a bit, but first, let me give you a little bit of intel as my goal with these blogs it to always educate you.

 Veggies are power packed with nutrients -- think antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, etc --- the very things that we all need to have optimal health. They are also the ultimate low-calorie food.

 The recommended daily intake is 5-9 servings. That’s roughly 2.5 cups minimum. If you REALLY want to feel younger and up the ante on your wellness, then you would need to have 8-10 cups daily. YES… that is a lot.

Here are a few ways that you can increase the number of
servings that you eat:

Hide Your Veggies In A Smoothie
This is a super easy way to add a larger amount of veggies into your day. And it’s tasty! Freeze any number of veggies and add in with your frozen fruit.

Make Veggie Noodles
This is such a great alternative to traditional high-carb noodles. We do this all the time in our house. All you need to do is insert your veggie of choice into a spiralizer (which is just a kitchen gadget that processes them into noodle-like shapes) and there go! Top with whatever you want!


Eat More Soups

Soups are a wonderful way to get more veggies into your body. You can make a veggie base by pureeing several types of leafy greens / veggies and adding various spices to it.

If you are needing to do a fridge cleanout, dump all those veggies into a pot of veggie or chicken broth, add potatoes, spices and let it simmer!


Eat More Frozen Produce

It can be hard to eat all the fresh produce in your fridge. If you tend to see that precious food go to waste, your best bet may be to buy frozen veggies instead. Flash frozen vegetables still keep most of their nutrients, are typically available all year round and are much easier to store / keep longer.


Do Your Best To Choose Healthy Snacks

I get it, when the snack attack hits, it’s hard to resist temptation. Your best bet here is to be prepared in advance. Have bell peppers, carrots, radishes, jicama, and celery sticks ready for dipping in hummus, guacamole or dip.


Want some veggie-heavy recipe ideas? CLICK HERE to visit the shop here on my website where you can purchase my Energy Reboot Cookbook for only $37!


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