Manage Your Weight AND Reset Your Body with Coconut Oil

Your cooking oil can have a drastic effect on managing your weight and resetting your bod. Recent studies have shown that changing your cooking oil to coconut oil may help kick start a sluggish thyroid gland.  
Here’s how.

 The Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland located near the front of your throat. It is considered the body’s thermostat and is responsible for regulating metabolism. It also manages the rate of the chemical reactions our bodies require to function properly. Despite medical tests showing them to be just fine, many people’s thyroid glands are actually not functioning as they should; studies have shown that nearly 25% of people have a sluggish thyroid gland they are unaware of, leading to fatigue and weight gain.


Some symptoms of a low-functioning thyroid gland include:

• Weight gain

• Feeling cold

• Fatigue

• Poor concentration and memory

• Headaches

• Flaky skin

• Mood swings

• Hair loss

• Depression

• Insomnia

• Constipation

• High cholesterol levels.

If you suspect your thyroid gland is not working like it should, try coconut oil. You can also give your thyroid extra support with a variety of essential oils applied topically! (*You may also want to call your doctor for further testing. I reccomend seeing a Functional Medicine MD or a Doctor of Oriental Medicine to get to the root cause of the symptoms.)


Why Coconut Oil?

Research has shown that including coconut oil in your regular diet may help reverse problems related to a poor thyroid gland. Specifically, it may help accelerate metabolism by stimulating the thyroid hormones, resetting the body and increasing the rate of calorie burn by 50%. Coconut oil contains medium-chain triglycerides, which are fatty acids more easily digested by the body and that stimulate the metabolism while restoring the natural enzyme activity needed to maintain a healthy weight. Just three tablespoons of coconut oil daily can help normalize low thyroid gland function.


You can use coconut oil to sauté vegetables, fish, poultry, and other foods. Add a tablespoon of coconut oil to your daily smoothie. You can also replace butter, margarine or vegetable oil with coconut oil when you are baking goodies for your family. 

 Remember that better health comes in small steps, and switching your cooking oil to coconut oil is one simple tweak that can pack a big punch!

Are you a fan of coconut oil? Have any other tips on how to use it? Comment below!


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